Photo By; Mark Workman
It was a prefect October Night.
The Moon was full.
The sky clear and cool.
The Thornapple River was dark and foreboding yet beautiful under the light of the full moon.
Photo By; Michal Ann Benedict Enders
The GRASP kayaker's gather.
For some the last paddle this year, a last chance to paddle with friends.
For others it's just another run, with many more runs to come.
Photo By; Michal Ann Benedict Enders
We gathered under the setting Sun.
Talking, laughing having some fun.
Waiting for everyone to begin our run.
Photo By; Mark Workman
Moon rise upon us, it was time to begin. Up the river we shall go, for an hour or so. Some fast and some slow ever onward we go. Silently gliding by home and hill. Passing under the freeway bridge's, the quiet was broken by the roar of car and truck tires passing over our head's. Back into the quiet we went. Passing by a golf course quietly waiting to be played. Under a railway bridge onward ever onward to our final destination.
Photo By; Michal Ann Benedict Enders All soon arrived to the point of our return. Halfway by distance, two-thirds by time. Gathered together under the fifty-forth street bridge the kayakers began to howl. You would think a pack of Wolves, or dog's maybe a Coyote or two were howling at the moon.
Photo by; Michal Ann Benedict Enders Just what would the locals think? Would the police be called? Only to arrive and find nothing but the moon and still clear water's.
Photo by; Michal Ann Benedict Enders
Kayaking back with the rivers flow, quietly slipping back into the darkness we go. The sky clear and cold, the air damp with dew. The moon full over our heads. Lighting our way home. One by one we to return to our world. A world of light, of noise and chaos. Waiting and wanting to go on just one more run. I'm ready lets do it again.
Great blog!